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Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Winter fun.

This is one of the few models that has been built by me and my brother working together(because we usually get into a fight about where things ought to go). I think it turned out pretty nice.                      

The inevitable snowball fight.

He's barely started, and look at the piles of snow already!

While he's just finished.

Jaywalking is never a good idea.


Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Robot Scouts.

These are actually quite recent builds that I've done. They are two robot scouts who have been created to counter the alien invaders. Unfortunately, I did not take pictures of the aliens. 

I've always imagined the guy on the left to be the commander.
 And their carrier tank Freddy. :)

Sunday, 21 July 2013

Ranchers' Mansion.

I made this mansion for a lego contest at my local library. This creation won me first place in the Grades 7-12 division. I have actually made this for a long time and this is probably the most detailed version of this I have ever made. I once made a three story house which I might blog sometime but it had no roof and since I made the top floor removable it is a bit flimsy.
I tried to make it look like there was a snowfall last night and they're just finishing cleanup.

The front yard with a carriage waiting.

The bandits...
...and their targets, two chests of gold and jewels.

The dining room.
The living room.

A bookshelf.

And, my prize.

Sunday, 7 July 2013

Mini warriors.

These are two little guys I made with parts from the Power Mech. Their faces are some old ones I had laying around because as a rule I almost never remove my minifigs heads. Because, call me paranoid but eventually they get weak at the neck and then their heads can get stuck in a helmet or something.

Monday, 1 July 2013

"New" old courtyard.

So I know I did the courtyard in one of my later posts, but I tried my hand at it again and this is what I came up with. Oh, and expect revised versions later because this is one of my favourite builds.