Overview. Originally it was supposed to be a human base holding off against robot invaders. Instead they are now a military force that have started a war over this planet for a naturally occurring gas that requires little refining. Because, who wants to have a trade agreement when you can just start a good old fashioned war, right?
The gas is suctioned into a large container but first small impurities and waste is burned off in the detachable top unit.
The barracks. I made this at the same time as the marines and it's definitely my favourite bit of the whole build. It was originally completely gray along with the marines and other buildings but I introduced the blue/gray colour scheme to brighten things up a bit.
A little marine working on the missile turret.
I added this in last night when I was building up the base of the build and it just brings the whole thing together. It's the command center. That's a radio tower on top.
The four marines I was able to build. Guess which one's the commander.
Robots/enemy soldiers. The design for these was my inspiration for the whole build but I don't think they look as good as my marines.
Hold the fort guys!
I was inspired to do this by the great mini Starcraft builds people have done even though Ive never played the game myself. I would like to make a little base for the bad guys too.
Nice, the marines are really cool. It definitely takes skill to create something at such a small size, but keeping it detailed and distinctive. The guy with the white head must be the commander.
ReplyDeleteObviously yeah. It comes from when I was younger. I would always differentiate the commander form the others while I was playing .