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Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Middle Eastern(?) House

   This was a test to see if I had enough tan pieces to build a good looking house. I don't if it's Middle Eastern, African or Pueblo architecture though. Doesn't really matter I guess.

   I didn't spend too long on this. Most of the work went into revising that staircase to get around my lack of pieces issue.

   I reused that banner piece for a curtain over the door.

   The roof looked bare so I added a sort of lean-to.

   The staircase. The plan was to make it 4 studs wide. I found I didn't have enough pieces. So I made it 2 studs wide. It was too narrow. So I scraped enough pieces together to get it 3 studs wide. All in all working on that staircase accounted for over half of the total time spent.

   Very sparse interior decorating. I have really no idea on what the furniture in a Middle Eastern home looks like.


  1. It could be a Star wars house too. The staircase is nice, what is the curtain from? I dont recognize that piece.

    1. It's from a Star Wars set from the new movie. I was actually inspired by Mos Eisley builds.

    2. Oh, okay interesting. Have you seen that one huge Mos Eisley diorama? I saw it in a Lego book. Have you seen the Rogue One trailer and are you looking forward to it?

    3. I'm not really into Star Wars so, no.

    4. Well, no one's going to sue you if you don't ha ha.
